Monday, October 13, 2008

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you

Looks like I haven't made a mark on this for a while, and although a lot of things have happened since then, nothing seems like much worth writing about. That or for a better explanation, there hasn't been anything I've wanted to sit down and write about for other people to read... So let's talk about the present.

I find it wildly amusing that the second you stop attempting to look for someone to fill some ridiculous, sadly romantic void, four or five charming prospects seem to enter (or re-enter) your life... all. at. the. same. time. I mean, it would be pleasantly convenient for each one to be evenly distributed in time so that you would have some kind of affection or effort to devote, but alas my schedule determines otherwise. Not that I would ever want to juggle something like that because I don't think I could muster up the heart (or lack of) to do so.

I suppose another alibi would be that I just don't want to be tied down. It seriously feels like freshman year all over again, where you just want to experience new things and meet new people without holding back... I find myself increasingly enjoying all the alone time I can get, and I don't think I want to give that up for anyone just yet.

So, dear prospects:
Your secret playlist labeled "K" filled with only romantic songs, your love for living life in the past despite your current girlfriend, your family event invitations that play into my weakness for kids, your stark signs of change but late sincerity, or your year long attraction just recently revealed have each flattered me in different ways, others conveying more meaning than some. But until I have learned to stand on my two feet contently in my own skin, I would not and could not begin anything worthwhile to satisfy your intentions for us. I hope you will forgive me. More so I hope you will not forget me.

All the best,

1 comment:

Daniel said...

It's like a rule, you give up on love and then bam! it decides it misses you and dangles someone new like carrot in front of horse.